It's 2018. It's a Saturday. The toddler is at grandma's house. I write words.
So, goals, right? It's that time of the year. So I have found myself making some mini goals for myself and some not so mini. Like this blog for example. I have put it off and built a few and never really gotten started due to all 100 of my excuses. So yes, for starters, not so mini goal = no excuses this year. I like lists. So let's just list and I can come back to this at the end of the year and check up on my failed and achieved goals.
- Continue use of blog. Because why would I not use it? I can vent, I can hobby, I can practice writing. So many activities!
- Continue working on book I am writing. Right now my word count is under 9,000. How do mothers of 6 that work full time jobs pump out novels? I am not a believer that "we all have the same 24 hours" because we just don't! I think they're vampires or something of the like because there is no way they actually sleep. I applaud y'all.
- Continue using my planner/journal as usual. It keeps my life glued together better.
- Meet Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal (60) Last year I started in late summer with serious reading again and read 29 books. So 60 seems reasonable in my mind.
- Book buying ban (unless it is a Classic) but there are always free book bins and the neighborhood mini sharing libraries. So I am not in total denial that this will not be a "true" ban. Just more like a healthy limitation.
I of course have other goals but I decided to stick to the bookish ones for now. I'll save sharing my others for a rainy day. So cheers to 2018 and goals and vampire people who don't sleep and especially to myself for finally doing it. The goals are always tugging at the beginning of the year in so many directions. Not like they aren't always, they just pull a little harder in the first few months. And then the dust settles and we will see what this year is all about. I know I am looking forward to it.
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